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Providing essential energy is the cornerstone to delivering the vital services and resources needed to support communities

To do that, we buy locally, support small businesses and partner with Indigenous peoples to create opportunities that meet their individual community needs.

  • Our operations produce several direct and indirect economic benefits for communities and governments by supporting thousands of jobs and creating business opportunities for local suppliers.
  • Our tax dollars support essential government services such as schools, 道路和医院.
  • 威尼斯电玩城手游的社区捐赠项目, Build Strong, supports hundreds of local non-profit and charitable organizations and offer scholarships to help build the next generation of leaders.

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有兴趣与威尼斯电玩城手游合作的供应商可以 visit TCEnergy.com 注册成为有兴趣的本地服务提供商.

$648.9 million+


Our economic benefits include cash and property tax payments that support essential government services, such as schools, 道路和医院, as well as 对当地非营利组织和慈善组织的投资. Our projects and assets also support thousands of direct and indirect job opportunities. Taken together, these benefits can have a significant and positive impact on the economies where we operate.

$725 million+


We contribute to the social and economic well-being of communities that are adjacent to, 或者受到潜在的影响, our business. 施工需要设备操作人员的服务, welders, mechanics, truck drivers, labourers, and more, 同时也创造了对本地商品和服务的需求. 威尼斯电玩城手游努力为合格人才创造机会, diverse, Indigenous and local suppliers and individuals to benefit from our projects and operations.


$25.6 million+


业务遍及加拿大、美国和加拿大.S. and Mexico, investing in and giving back to the communities where we operate are important parts of being a good neighbour, 一个值得信赖的合作伙伴和雇主的选择. 无论是与社区团体合作, supporting local initiatives or encouraging our employees to be involved in their neighbourhoods, the goal of our Build Strong community investment program is to build strong and vibrant communities across North America.



案例研究:与Dawson Creek合作

Our NGTL pipeline system has been transporting gas within Alberta and northeastern BC to millions of Canadians and Americans every day for decades. 在这些年里, we've supported the economic development of towns and cities along the pipeline route, 比如道森溪, BC. Watch first-hand what the mayor of Dawson Creek and community members have to say about our positive impact on their city.


We work to support economic development where we operate through our core business activities, 社区投资, 以及当地就业和商业机会的途径.


For more details on the economic benefits of our work across North America, 按国家筛选以下情况介绍.

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